FLUKE-378 FC/E + ISO CAL 2 - Fluke 378 FC Non-Contact Voltage Wireless Clamp Meter with Fluke Connect, TRMS AC + DC, 60kOhm, 500Hz, Backlit LCD, 2.5kA
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FLUKE-378 FC/E + ISO CAL 2 - Fluke 378 FC Non-Contact Voltage Wireless Clamp Meter with Fluke Connect, TRMS AC + DC, 60kOhm, 500Hz, Backlit LCD, 2.5kA
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Fluke 377 and 378 are the first industrial clamp meters on the market that allow you to make non-contact voltage measurement accurately, without test leads, thereby enhancing safety and improving productivity.These clamp meters have 4 unique capabilities that set them apart from other clamp meters:
Voltage and Current Measurements with FieldSense™ technology - measure True-RMS voltage and current readings without making any metallic contact to a live conductor using FieldSense™- a Fluke-patented technology. The dual display allows voltage and current measurements to be viewed simultaneously.
Complete 3-phase measurements in quick, easy steps - no more hand-written notes or complicated math. Simply clamp the jaw over each of the three phase conductors and get a full set of phase-to-phase voltage and current measurements on the clamp. Phase rotation information is also auto-calculated and shown on the Fluke Connect software.
Power quality indicator monitors equipment for power-related issues - the Fluke-378 FC includes a unique PQ that senses power quality issues related to voltage, current and power factor automatically. Now you can quickly determine if an upstream supply problem exists or if there is a downstream equipment problem.
Record, analyze, share results with Fluke Connect® software- automatically record all measurements, see the full set of 3-phase readings at a glance, collect data over time for preventive maintenance, share results and questions with coworkers (FC models only).
- Accurate voltage and current measurements through the clamp jaw
- Ability to view current and voltage measurements at the same time with a dual display
- Rapid 3 phase measurements with auto calculation of phase-to-phase values and phase rotation (in the Fluke Connect app)
- An easy way to automatically detect power quality issues relating to current, voltage or power factor (Fluke 378 only)
- Easy logging, seamless data transfer and reporting with Fluke Connect software (FC models only)