Showing 1 - 50 of 374 items
Best match
HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather Board Art.Nr. 301-39-153 MPN. 3405
SEK 271,83
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
TMP36 Analogue Temperature Sensor, 5.5V Art.Nr. 301-29-188 MPN. 165
SEK 33,07
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
USB to TTL Serial Cable UART / USB Art.Nr. 301-33-637 MPN. 954
SEK 115,00
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
BSS138, Bi-directional Logic Level Converter Art.Nr. 300-91-221 MPN. 757
SEK 46,20
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
Monochrome 1.3" 128x64 OLED display Art.Nr. 300-91-227 MPN. 938
SEK 239,53
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor, 5V Art.Nr. 301-39-186 MPN. 3942
SEK 47,48
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
Universal Thermocouple Amplifier, 5V Art.Nr. 301-29-212 MPN. 3263
SEK 271,00
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
Monochrome 0.96" 128x64 OLED Display Art.Nr. 301-39-146 MPN. 326
SEK 202,00
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
PCA9685 16-Channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Driver Art.Nr. 300-91-222 MPN. 815
SEK 396,00
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
Stereo 20W Class D Audio Amplifier Art.Nr. 300-91-153 MPN. 1752
SEK 311,00
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
Soft Tactile Switch Button Set Art.Nr. 301-39-122 MPN. 3101
SEK 35,60
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
Micro USB to Micro USB OTG Cable 250mm Art.Nr. 301-33-624 MPN. 3610
SEK 57,20
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
RFM95W LoRa Radio Transceiver, 868MHz, 915MHz Art.Nr. 301-29-204 MPN. 3072
SEK 304,72
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
MPL115A2 I2C Barometric Pressure and Temperature Sensor, 5.5V Art.Nr. 301-39-256 MPN. 992
SEK 124,00
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
MPU-6050 6-DoF Accelerometer and Gyroscopic Sensor Breakout Art.Nr. 301-67-655 MPN. 3886
SEK 195,00
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
VL6180X ToF Distance Meter, 5V Art.Nr. 301-29-217 MPN. 3316
SEK 311,00
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
VL53L0X ToF Distance Meter, 5V Art.Nr. 301-29-218 MPN. 3317
SEK 202,00
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
3.5" TFT Display with Touchscreen Art.Nr. 301-29-194 MPN. 2050
SEK 479,60
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
PT100 RTD Sensor Amplifier, 5V Art.Nr. 301-29-220 MPN. 3328
SEK 236,00
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
Pt1000 Temperature Sensor Amplifier, 5V Art.Nr. 301-39-167 MPN. 3648
SEK 173,00
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
MPR121 Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout Art.Nr. 300-91-164 MPN. 1982
SEK 134,00
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
GPIO Stacking Header for Pi A+ B+ Pi2 Pi3 2x20 Art.Nr. 301-33-581 MPN. 2223
SEK 41,00
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
ESP8266 Breakout, ESP8266 WiFi Art.Nr. 300-91-186 MPN. 2471
SEK 119,50
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
Flex Cable for Raspberry Pi Camera or Display Art.Nr. 301-33-567 MPN. 1648
SEK 32,10
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
AM2320 Digital Temperature and Humidity Sensor, 5V Art.Nr. 301-39-175 MPN. 3721
SEK 60,40
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
Perma-Proto Half-sized PCB Breadboard, single Art.Nr. 300-91-149 MPN. 1609
SEK 80,60
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
NeoPixel Ring 24 x 5050 RGB LED Art.Nr. 300-91-145 MPN. 1586
SEK 314,00
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
MCP23017 I2C 16 I/O Port Expander Art.Nr. 301-39-248 MPN. 732
SEK 206,00
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
ADXL335 Triple-Axis Accelerometer Art.Nr. 301-29-187 MPN. 163
SEK 173,00
(excl. VAT)
Manufacturer: Adafruit
Showing 1 - 50 of 374 items